The project “Building Partnership on Fundamentals: Empowered CSOs in the EU Accession Process”, is being implemented for a period (2023 - 2026) by European Movement Albania (EMA) in cooperation with Academy of European Integration and Negotiations (AIEN), Centre for Transparency and Freedom of Information (CTFI) and Research Center of Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), and is supported by the European Union under IPA funds – Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2021.
The project is being implemented in Albania, targeting all the regions of the country. The action’s overall objective is to increase the engagement and role of CSOs to the good governance and rule of law reforms of Albania’s EU accession process. The action has four components interlinked with each-other in implementing the activities and achieving its objectives: 1) Participation through Inclusion – Dialogue – Engagement; 2) Capacity building; 3) Monitoring of judicial system and research; 4) Informing
Under Component 3 – Monitoring of judicial system and research implemented by Centre for Transparency and Freedom of Information (CTFI) the specific objective is to increase budget transparency and accountability in the justice system of Albania through periodic monitoring and research activities. The selected justice institutions to be monitored are: High Council of Prosecutors (KLP), High Council of Judges (KLGJ), and institutions against organized crime and corruption Special Prosecution Office (SPAK), Special Court Against Corruption and Organized Crime (GJKKO), Independent Qualification Commission (KPK), High Court and due to new judicial map, the action is monitoring 5 courts of first instance including the Administrative Court of Tirana and the Appeal Court of Tirana. The selection of institutions for monitoring was performed considering their role in budgeting, the size of the budget that is allocated for them in relation to the entire justice system and the need to examine during the monitoring the ‘behaviour’ with the budget in some levels of the judiciary.
Main activities included in this component are:
- Preparation of a Methodology of monitoring of Justice system institutions of budget planning and allocation, defining the quantitative and qualitative smart indicators.
- Preparation of one Analytical Report and yearly policy papers on gaps and needs analyses to budget performance addressing ways of improving transparency and public control with tangible policy proposals;
- Preparation of a Short and friendly “Budget literacy” guide for CSOs, media and activists and also for representatives of justice institutions with the aim of increasing their skills to understand the budget and its components.
- Preparation of yearly Monitoring reports on dissemination of budget and expenses in justice institutions;
In framework of these activities, this call is opened for these types of expertise as follow:
- Expert for Methodology of monitoring of budget planning and allocation
Objective: To prepare a robust and scientific methodology with the required quantitative and qualitative smart indicators, for monitoring of budget planning and allocation of justice institutions in Albania
Tasks: a)conducting desk research consisting of data gathering and research b) examination of laws, bylaws, decisions, reports, papers related to justice budgeting issues c) identification and proper articulation of needs related to the targeted topics, to highlight various judicial budgeting gaps and needs e)prepare and update the list of qualitative and quantitative indicators to be measured during monitoring like: -sources of income; -budget insufficiency; -frequency of publication of the budget templates; -decision-making regarding the budget; d) preparing of a methodology on Monitoring of institutions of the Justice system
- Administrative compliance grid
- Budget fee
- Draft contract
- Instructions to tenderers
- Service tender submission form
- Servis contract notice
- Terms of reference
- Expert for Analytical report on budget and expenses in justice system and yearly Policy Papers
Objective: To clarify how the justice budget is distributed to institutions, how financial management and control is performed and which is the level of transparency applied and to identify the gaps and needs related to the justice budget performance in accordance with the objectives planned in the Cross-Sectoral Justice Strategy 2021-2025
Tasks: a) Conducting desk research to analyse and assess some relevant issues linked with budget and expenses in justice including: -how the justice budget is distributed to institutions, -how financial management and control is performed and -the level of transparency that is applied; -legal framework currently adopted (laws, bylaws). b) Preparation of an Analytical report on budget and expenses in justice system c) Preparing of a policy paper each year of monitoring d) Providing recommendations to address ways of improving transparency and public control over the budget with tangible conclusions and policy proposals
- Administrative compliance grid
- Budget fee
- Draft contract
- Instructions to tenderers
- Service tender submission form
- Servis contract notice
- Terms of reference
- Monitoring Experts (2) - Monitoring will be carried out by a team of two experts with sufficient experience:
- Expert for Monitoring Justice Institutions (KLP, KLGJ, GJKKO, SPAK, KPK, High Court)
- Expert for Monitoring Courts (5 courts of first instance including Appeal Court of Tirana)
Objective: To monitor and to read the budget according to official forms and to interpret it in a language understandable to the public
Tasks: a) Periodic monitoring of the cash flow in the justice system; b) collecting and processing data accordingly to templates and methodology produces; c) reading the budget and interpreting it in a language understandable to the public; d) Preparation of yearly monitoring reports for each institution monitored; e) preparation of summary reports to be distributed; f) active engagement during the promotion and dissemination process of results and conclusions of the reports and communication with relevant stakeholders
- Administrative compliance grid
- Budget fee
- Draft contract
- Instructions to tenderers
- Service tender submission form
- Servis contract notice
- Terms of reference
Under Component 4 – Informing the specific objective is to increase awareness of CSOs for inclusion in good governance processes and monitoring the budget transparency of Justice system.
Main activities included in this component are:
- 4 info-sessions in key cities of Albania - to inform participants about the legislation and main institutions of justice reform and to offer suggestions on how to monitor the process of policy-making and implementation of the law
- 4 Civic Forums in key cities of Albania - to function as an open and comprehensive platform for discussion, exchange of ideas, networking and mapping of main challenges of the country in terms of rule of law through preparation of Civil Society Opinion Documents.
- Traditional and Social media campaigns
- Production of promotional and informative tools (policy papers, reports, Factsheets)
- Update of information to the dedicated webpage of the action
- Organization of two advocacy meetings in Brussels with EU institutions representatives (EC, EP, MEPs) and with 10 CSO representatives from Albania
In framework of these activities, this call is opened for this type of expertise as follow:
Communication Consultant
Objective: To assist the action with communication and PR tasks focused on promotion the budget transparency of Justice system in Albania
Task: a) implementing and following the Action Plan and the Communication and Visibility Strategy taking into consideration the EU Visibility rules and guidelines; b) disseminating announcements on the action to increase project visibility by preparing contents in Albanian/English such as social media posts, op-eds and updating the social media platforms of the action; c) overseeing the development of templates of promotional tools in hard copy or/and digital format (agendas, reports, policy papers, infographics); d) assisting with the organization of promotional public activities (4 Info-Sessions, 4 Civic Forums, two advocacy meetings in Brussels), working in close cooperation with implementing organizations and other involved actors; e) daily management and update of the dedicated webpage of the action with new information, materials, open calls focused on monitoring activities and research of the Justice system and targeted justice institutions
- Administrative compliance grid
- Budget fee
- Draft contract
- Instructions to tenderers
- Service tender submission form
- Servis contract notice
- Terms of reference
The deadline for submitting the application is 31.10.2023, 16.00 Hrs