
Tale coast, next to ''Viking beach bar''

Even this destination located on the beach of Tale shares the same characteristics as the one near the USA bar restaurant. The closed bars of the area built of wood remind you the fishermen's lodges.

Even this destination located on the beach of Tale shares the same characteristics as the one near the USA bar restaurant. The closed bars of the area built of wood remind you the fishermen's lodges. The area at the bar "Viking" is a perfect spot with the blue colored beach facing you and in the back the ponds that are left behind from the winter when the sea sometimes flows between the sand gutters to the edge of the lawns and bushes or the canals waters confluence with the sea because of the rain falls. This destination is located at the southern end of the Mata Coast Park and offers a diversity of the flora and fauna of the area. The closeness with the river Mat estuary gives this zone similar fishing characteristics with that Patok lagoon.

The distance from Tirana city to this destination is 55.8 km away and it takes 1 hour and 5 minutes by car. It is 43.7 km from Rinas Aiport and takes 44 minutes to go there. It is 18.4 km away from Lezha city or a 29 minutes drive. To get there from Tirana city you have to follow the Tirana-Lezhë road that passes through the Thumanë-Lac highway and then follow the road towards Lezhë. At the intersection of Tale, turns left and continue west towards beach, 7 km away or 9 minutes ride by car. You can catch bream, sea bass, turbot, anchovy common sole, pipefish, flat head grey mullet, buccich”s goby common smooth hound etc. Meanwhile, if you have right equipment with you to fish into the sea you can come across shrimp and octopus as well, of course also the blue crab.