
Hamallaj, Vala Mare tourist resort

The distance from Tirana city is 42.9 km away and it takes 1 hour drive to go there, while from Rinas Airport is 32.5 km and it takes 40 minutes by car. To come from Tirana city and Rinas Airport you must follow the Tirana-Durrës highway and turn right at Maminas, heading for Lalzi Bay.

The distance from Tirana city is 42.9 km away and it takes 1 hour drive to go there, while from Rinas Airport is 32.5 km and it takes 40 minutes by car. To come from Tirana city and Rinas Airport you must follow the Tirana-Durrës highway and turn right at Maminas, heading for Lalzi Bay. At Hidri Petrol Station, turn left and follows the road for 5.4 km in the direction of Vala Mare resort, Hamallaj. The distance from Durrës city is 26.5 km and it takes 37 minutes by car, following the Durrës-Tirana highway and then turning to the Sukthi overpass in the direction of Hamallaj, towards Vala Mare resort.

Entrance to the resort is free of charge and you can park in any of the reserved parking spaces within the resort. Keep in mind that during the summer season there are many vacationers and it is impossible to fish in the beach area, as the beaches are stretched along the entire coast. There is one place though, the mouth of the Tarin stream. Just before you reach the estuary, there is a barrier about 50 meters long stretched on the sea. Along the northern side of the embankment and up to the mouth of the stream, there are no holiday makers and the distance between the fishermen should be about 200 meters according to the rules.

During other seasons, you can fish along the entire 5-kilometer coast from Italian stream up to Tarini stream, which offering the same opportunities to catch fish as the other destinations on the coast of the Durrës region. You can catch here mullet, bream, sea bass, anchovy, see fish, barracuda, common smooth hound while near the stream you can search for vongola, by means of a shovel which does not stick too much in the sand of the shallow water. A number of restaurants and bars are open throughout the year and you can choose between traditional or elaborate cuisine, while in each restaurant the menu offers a mixture of both cuisines. You can get fresh shrimp crudo, grilled octopus or cold salad with seafood, mussels, as well as a plate of steamed vongola, quite tasty. Date mussels are forbidden to collect on the Albanian coast. They can be accompanied by local white wine as well as soft cheese, cornbread with cheese brine, followed by grilled fish or oven baked fish, especially with mullet fish.