Address: Muhamet Gjollesha, Pal.2, Sh. 3, Ap.9 Tirane, Albania
Mob: +355 682088602
It is located 43.4 km away from Tirana city and can be reached in approximately 45 minutes by car, 34 km away from Rinas Airport and it takes 40 minutes to drive; 9.5 km from Durrës city and it takes about 13 minutes to drive, depending on the traffic.
It is located 43.4 km away from Tirana city and can be reached in approximately 45 minutes by car, 34 km away from Rinas Airport and it takes 40 minutes to drive; 9.5 km from Durrës city and it takes about 13 minutes to drive, depending on the traffic. To get to this destination from Tirana, you can follow the Tirana Durrës highway and return to the Shkozeti ring to follow the secondary road that takes you to Plepat after 2 km. At the ring in Plepa, follow the secondary road to the right and walk about 500 m until you reach the Rock of Kavaja, then follow an alley to the right and in 20 meters you have reached the seashore.
Almost the entire beach of Durrës starting from the road of Pines, past the Rock of Kavaja to the Railway section is an open 'track' for recreational fishing during non-holiday seasons by the end of September to the beginning of May. However, everyone can choose their favorite place to throw the hooks. We suggest the narrowest part of the sandy beach just below Kavaja Rock. This is due to the special view of Durrës beach. Through the narrow alleys between the hotels you have the Kavaja Rock facing the sea, which offers a rare rocky and wild view in contrast to the sea and the sand.
Around you have endless bars and restaurants according to your taste and desire to spend relaxing moments during fishing hours. You should keep in mind that fishing with a hook along the Durres beach is prohibited during the tourist season. But in the meantime you can find a place about 200 meters away from the holidaymakers. The fish that can be caught along Durrës beach are mullet, sea bream, anchovy, sea bass, garfish, and pipefish.
Kick facts
Where to go while you have finished fishing in Durrës:
Currilave Beach: 9.5 km
Archaeological Museum of Durrës: 9.5 km
Amphitheater of Durrës: 9.3 km
Currilave pedestrian road: 9.3km
Commercial Road: 9 km
Paleochristian Basilica of Shen Mikeli, Arapaj, Durres, 7 km, 14 min
Photo: View of the Kavaja Rock from the seashore