
April 2008- December 2008

Project is supported by British embassy in Tirana.

“Watch dog” prepared report ,consist in Centre for Transparency and Free Information , includes the control of assets declaration of high officials and interest conflicts for justice officials, positively including judges of any level justice system and prosecutors. Secondly  this report includes investigation about those officials assets and interest conflicts after that had checkmated  other indicators out of assets declaration to combine post perceptions about  judicial situation of those officials.

Collected materials are modified answering some  main questions  providing  an answer about two laws execution too.

“Watch dog” included  in Centre for Transparency and Free Information, had selected  choosing in a free way 5% of justice officials and only in 4 cases of them is used  the selection according in kind of  jobs they has.
“Watch dog” members are journalists, consult jurist of assets estimator and civil cases lawyers .There have been 8 months of investigations , from April 2008 to the  last days of December  2008.

Execution subjects of  those laws are about 4500 chancellor or officials of Albanian administration, 646 of them are judges and prosecutors. They are obligated to declare their assets and their position in report with their jobs in public administrate .The assets  
declaration law approved in 2003 by parliament and the interest conflict law  approved in 2005 purposes  independent control of administration, limitation and probable cases of  undeclared assets or hidden interest conflicts of chancellors.