
Online complaint tracking system is installed in KLD
09.05.2013 , 17:35

Online complaint tracking system is installed in KLD

May 2012. KLD has recently made it possible for citizens to track their complaints against the judiciary through the online complaints portal located on the website of KLD

KLD has recently made it possible for citizens to track their complaints against the judiciary through the online complaints portal located on the website of KLD.

May 2012. KLD has recently made it possible for citizens to track their complaints against the judiciary through the online complaints portal located on the website of KLD

KLD has recently made it possible for citizens to track their complaints against the judiciary through the online complaints portal located on the website of KLD.

This new application adds public control to the complaint handling procedures, increasing to a high degree the transparency of the KLD to citizens.

For some time, KLD has been applying receiving complaints through the online portal and handling them digitally within the institution. The newest application enables citizens to be continuously and automatically informed about the path followed by their complaint at the KLD institution.

This shortens the time of citizens' communication with the institution, as well as reduces the possibilities of handling complaints outside the prescribed legal limits. Citizens are informed step by step about the status of their complaint.

The British Embassy in Tirana made it possible to finance this important development in increasing transparency towards the public, and the Center for Transparency and Free Information implemented the online tracking of complaints.