
Kune Vain Lagoon, fishing spott, Pika panoramike

There are two destinations next to each other at a distance of no more than 200 meters inside the Vain Lagoon, which is a protected area, while fishing activities are carried out by private fishing companies contracted or selected by the Ministry of Agriculture.

There are two destinations next to each other at a distance of no more than 200 meters inside the Vain Lagoon, which is a protected area, while fishing activities are carried out by private fishing companies contracted or selected by the Ministry of Agriculture. But recreational fishing is not a problem for the lagoon managers, so fishing rod is tolerated by them during the permitted fishing seasons, often for a fee of 500-1000 ALL. Vain Lagoon is located south of the Drini River and is the southern part of the protected natural park, Kune Vain Lagoon.

Its borders are to the north the river Drin, to the east the villages of the island of Lezha and Rrile, to the south the water flow canal and to the west the Adriatic Sea. The distance from Tirana city to this destination is 58.8 km or 1 hour and 2 minutes ride by car. It is 44.8 km from Rinas Airport and takes 42 minutes to go there. It is 13 km from Lezha city and takes 24 minutes by car.

Leaving from Tirana city, you pass through the beach of Tale, pumping station and then turn left to an abandoned road. Walk up this road that separates the lagoon from the canal to a wider place where you can park your car and fish across the canal bank. While 200 meters away by car, you arrive at a fishing spot. This is also the end of the road of Tale beach. You can only connect to the rest of the lagoon through a pedestrian bridge to get to the road that connects the lagoon to Ishull Lezhe Island and then to Lezha city.

Adjacent to the fishing station is a spot where you can enjoy an amazing view of the lagoon, forest plots and the sea, combined with flocks of migratory aquatic birds, flamingos as well. The view is impressive and a boat ride or fishing on the boat would be another attraction to benefit from in one of the most attractive places in Albania. Vain lagoon is rich in fishes like flat head grey mullet, thick lip grey mullet, thin lip mullet, sea bass, common sole, white sea bream, eel and bogue fish. If you prefer to fish from the sailing boat you can request this at the fishing station and for a fee that is locally negotiated but is not more than 2000 ALL, you can go sailing in the lagoon for at least two hours.