
Lalzi Bay

There are 6 km of beach from Tarini Stream up to Fushë Draç in the north of Lalzi bay that can be visited for recreational fishing during autumn, winter and spring.

There are 6 km of beach from Tarini Stream up to Fushë Draç in the north of Lalzi bay that can be visited for recreational fishing during autumn, winter and spring.

In summer the beach is crowded with holiday makers along its entire length, which makes fishing impossible due to the restrictions on fishing because the area is full with vacationer. During summer, the part close to the Tanin stream's discharge into the sea (north side) is available for fishing up to a length of almost 400 meters.

The distance from Tirana city is 45.4 km away and it takes 49 minutes by car, while from Rinas Airport is 35.6 km and it takes 40 minutes to drive. To come from Tirana City and Rinas Airpot you must follow the Tirana-Durrës highway and turn right at Maminas, heading for Lalzi Bay.

The distance from Durrës city is 33 km away and can be reached by car in 40 minutes following the Durrës Tirana highway and then turning to the Sukthi overpass in the direction of Manza and then Lalëzi Bay.

Lalzi Bay is a favorite area for fishing due to the increased presence of fish that follow the food coming from the stream, in fact a drainage channel that collects the waters from the Rrushkull Reserves, almost 15 km long, bringing with it abundant nutrients even for the fish that prefer a mixture of fresh and salt water. You can fish with hook rod but also with small nets (prezvol), or with nets in shape of basket that can better hold shrimps, crabs or octopuses.

Chelonia mydas (green turtle), which is considered an endangered species, is found in Lalëz Bay. You can fish there bream, sea bass, mullet, anchovy, common smooth hound, pipefish, annular sea bream etc. But you can also catch shrimp that is served on the shores for food. If you fish with prezvol you will also catch some blue crabs that inhabit the shallow waters near the river’s mouth on the coast. The coast of Lalzi offers an impressive view, to the north is Rodoni Cape, while to the south of the horizon can be seen Bishti i Palles. While fishing near dusk you can enjoy a wonderful sunset and seagulls rest in flocks on the sand for awhile.