Address: Muhamet Gjollesha, Pal.2, Sh. 3, Ap.9 Tirane, Albania
Mob: +355 682088602
This fishing spot is located on the seashore, a short distance from the Juba marsh, between Oni bar restaurant and Tam Tam beach bar.
The distance from Tirana city is 43.5 km away and it takes 50 minutes to drive, while from Rinas Airport it is 33.6 km and it takes 41 minutes to drive. To come from Tirana city and Rinas Airport you must follow the Tirana-Durrës highway and then take the Rrashbulli overpass.
This fishing spot is located on the seashore, a short distance from the Juba marsh, between Oni bar restaurant and Tam Tam beach bar.
The distance from Tirana city is 43.5 km away and it takes 50 minutes to drive, while from Rinas Airport it is 33.6 km and it takes 41 minutes to drive. To come from Tirana city and Rinas Airport you must follow the Tirana-Durrës highway and then take the Rrashbulli overpass.
The distance from Durrës city is 17.3 km away and by car it is a 24 minutes ride. If you have reached the Setori Rinia, continue following the Shtodheri road up to the end of the pine forest for about 4 km, it will take 21 minutes. After following the above road for 2.2 km across to the pine forest, then to a bridge, turn left and walk for 1.8 km up to the seashore. In the meantime, as you wish you can stop for fishing in the swamp ponds or the canal that crosses the road from Shtodheri to the vicinity of the seashore. You will meanwhile see how it is fished in a traditional way through the suspended nets (kalimera) along the canal. When it fills up with water and fish circulate from the sea into the lagoon waters, the farmers of the area lower their fishing nets to catch freshwater fish and eels.
The eel is one of the most abundant aquatic species in this part of the lagoon but also in all the other lagoons of the country.
The eel is a long fish ranging from 60 cm to 2 meters. It is similar in appearance to the snake and has a color ranging from dark green to black, while the belly is yellow to white. This type of fish becomes very active in the evening and late at night, or in the early hours of the morning, then it slows down its activity. It feeds on worms, small fish or even dead fish. The fish you can catch are mullet, sea bream or murra (sea bream with stripes), common sole and blue crab.